My Philosophy
Every truth gives way to a deeper more viable truth until a universal truth is obtained
As above so below, as within so without
Mindfulness and presence is one of the keys to happiness
Everyone has their own answer and their own path
Everything is energy
The only thing constant is change
The point of everything is simply evolution, and for us humans that means "learning"
We live in a quantum universe, our thoughts create our reality....
My Story
I guess you could say it all started when I was born...
Yet one of the biggest turning points in my life to date was when my mother passed away a few months before my 16th birthday. In her struggle with cancer she opposed the Western medical route and ended up living 6 years past her 6 month death prognosis. I watched her blossom and really dive into personal work, nutrition, and alternative therapies in the hopes of curing her cancer. Now her story is a long one, and for purposes of this site I will keep it brief, but needless to say it was through her "awakening" that I was exposed to a whole other world of health, healing, and metaphysics at the ripe age of 13. By the time she passed away I had enough knowledge accumulated that I knew I wanted to "heal and grieve" the "right" way. I knew that by bypassing my feelings, by numbing out, by shutting down, I would only cause more pain in the long run. So began my journey of discovering amazing healing modalities and doing my own personal work.
It was through my exposure to this "alternative" world that sparked the innate knowing inside of me that I needed to forge my own path and it likely wouldn't come through established institutions i.e. collage. As a teenager I became super passionate about dance, modern dance in particular and honed my skills pretty intensely not only at my local dance studio in Chapel Hill, NC, but also at multiple American Dance Festivals held in Durham, NC (amazing and intensive 6 week long modern dance trainings). At 18 I decided to become a Yoga Teacher and I completed my 200hr YTT in Asheville, NC with the Asheville Yoga Center. Right after my Yoga Teacher Training, I was invited to be a dancer with the Asheville Contemporary Dance Theater after I had taken a class with them. Thanks to the connections between ACDT and the State Contemporary Dance Company of Yucatan, Mexico, I was invited to be a guest artist with Alsur Danza in Merida, Mexico in 2010. Knowing that being a professional dancer wouldn't keep me totally fulfilled and that I had other callings, I made way way to Salt Lake City, UT to attend Healing Mountain Massage School with one of my best friends I had met the year prior during my 5 month journey in Maui, Hawaii. I became a Licensed Massage Therapist in January of 2012 and began practicing my craft in various spas around Salt Lake City. It was my initial plan to leave Salt Lake City once I was done with school, but the universe had other plans in store. A few weeks before I was scheduled to leave SLC for good, I met my current husband, Phoenix Aurelius. I ended up staying in Utah to pursue this intense love connection which was probably one of the best decisions of my life.
With my background as a dancer, I had been introduced to the little known world of somatics as early at 2006 and knew that I wanted to gain further education in this field. I ended up choosing to become a Somatic Movement Educator & Therapist through the East West Somatics School in St. George, UT, graduating from their program in the fall of 2013. It was through them that I learned about Somatic Bodywork, and since 2013 I have been developing my own unique version of the modality. I have successfully helped hundreds of people move out of pain and trauma with Somatic Bodywork since then.
I ran my own bodywork practice based out of Ogden, UT for several years between 2014-2019 called SOMATIX during which I excelled at helping people move out of pain and into greater mobility, using Somatic Bodywork, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, and Deep Tissue Massage. During this time I became extremely interested in trauma and ways of effectively healing and working with it. I have worked with clients practicing many somatic based trauma healing modalities including brainspotting, TRE, aspects of somatic experiencing, biodynamic breathwork, focusing, internal family systems, and more. I have been blessed to have had many willing guinea pigs over the years as I have practiced new ideas and techniques, essentially training myself to become well versed in helping people heal trauma. As I am not currently a licensed trauma therapist I offer my somatic trauma research study "coaching" sessions under the umbrella of conducting ongoing research and collecting data.
In February 2020, I chose to close down my bodywork practice due to Covid-19 and the uncertainty that was present at that time, and instead jumped in to working with my husband, Phoenix Aurelius, full time building the Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy (PARA). I am co-owner of PARA and have worked almost every single angle of that business, including starting and producing the Alchemi-Culture Podcast which will start up again in 2023 after a year break. I currently spend my time helping to run the Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy, making delicious home cooked meals, hiking the mountain trails straight out of my backyard, working with clients, nerding out about trauma and the nervous system, and doing my best to live the healthiest most aligned life I can.
List of Certifications:
-Yoga Teacher 200hr 2008
-Licensed Massage Therapist 2012
-Body Visible/Body Invisible: Authentic Movement Training in Santa Rosa, CA 2012
-Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator 2013
-Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner 2018
-Certified Wellness Coach 2018
- EEAT Training, Essential Embodied Arts Training with Nature Moves, Boulder CO, July 2018
-Level one of TRE 2018
-Many online trainings and webinars regarding trauma